Transcendental Acupuncture
Transcendental Acupuncture focuses on bringing mind, body and spirit into alignment with the use of Acupuncture, Evocative Coaching and other transformational modalities. Our bodies need to work synergistically (mind, body and spirit) in order for happiness and fulfillment to be achieved and experienced in our lives. Transcendental Acupuncture helps release the effect that disempowering emotions (anger, guilt, fear, grief, etc.) or limiting beliefs (not being good enough, among others) can be creating in you that may be preventing you from fully experiencing the life that you truly want to live.
You deserve to be truly happy and fulfilled in your life!
It’s my pleasure to help you achieve the life that you desire!
During your transcendental acupuncture session, we will start by discussing any limiting beliefs, disempowering emotions, and feelings that may be impacting your daily life. Through evocative coaching we will gain perceptive on what might be preventing you from having the life that you desire. We will formulate a plan of action with transformative growth work that will help you reprogram your mindset into a more empowering one that will guide you in achieving the life that you desire.
Once we discover the best way to guide your mind, body and spirit back into the stream of wellbeing that naturally flows through you as you, we will begin our acupuncture and/or healing touch session. As you allow your unconscious mind and energetic body to transcend into the plane of infinite wellbeing and health through music therapy, NLP, time transformation or other reprogramming techniques your mind and body will start relaxing; and your true loving and powerful self will once again shine on through allowing you to fully be present and joyful in this wonderful life!
Transcendental Acupuncture its best suited for those seeking to help release emotional difficulties such as in grief, symptoms of depression, fear, feelings of unworthiness, lack of self-love, lack of self-esteem, lack of self-confidence, guilt, anger, shame, worry, among others.
It can also help with some physical ailments since many physical ailments can start as an emotional imbalance first that disallow wellbeing to flow freely through your body. Therefore, impacting your life, your body, and your sense of self.
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Transcendental Acupuncture
Stand-alone Prices:
New Evaluation and Assessment: $100
Coaching Session: $145
Add-ons: (price per session)
Healing Touch Treatment: $65
More extensive evocative coaching techniques like forgiveness work, NLP, time transformation: $50
Call TODAY to get started!
Transcendental Acupuncture Programs
Gold Program: $850
Program includes:
1 Evaluation
1 Re-Evaluation
6 Transcendental Acupuncture sessions which include:
Acupuncture Body treatment
30 mins Evocative Coaching:
Transformational and reprograming techniques.
Infra-Red Chakra mat:
InfraRed heat helps decrease inflammation, increases blood flow and oxygenation boosting metabolism and promoting detoxification of the body. It improves deep tissue regeneration, reduces muscle tightness, improves the quality of sleep and promotes relaxation.
Music Therapy
Swarovski or Gold-Plated Ear Seeds:
Treats the underlying condition.
Gemstone Therapy
Sessions must be used within 6 months period, no sharing visits between family or friends.
Call TODAY to get started!